Healing retreat and workshops
Phone: 07831 336762 • click here to email10 Feb 2025 

David Boldick

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Welcome to the site that could change your life.

In June 2008, I realised my dream of holding a small healing retreat/workshop in my cave house, taking advantage of the deeply peaceful healing energy I have always felt there. The enterprise was a resounding success for all concerned, with both deep work and a lot of laughter.
This retreat has been repeated every year since in the Summer and the Autumn.

Due to the amazing results for those who have attended, the healing retreats in the past, these will continue this year(2019)to in May/June and October/November for the foreseeable future .

About David
Sometimes life can hit you so hard it feels like you are never going to get up again.
But if you can find enough trust in yourself and the Universe to let go and move forward into the unknown, you may discover something that is worth more than everything you thought you had lost. This happened to me.

These days I feel I am one of the most fortunate people in the world. I’m doing what I love to do and I really know that I’m where I should be. However this has not always been the case.

I was born and grew up in North London, and spent much of my early life immersed in brass music, with the Salvation Army. I would have loved to become a professional musician but instead I left school at fourteen and began to work in the printing ink industry. I did well, and eventually ended up with a successful career in sales and management. I had a good salary with an expense account, a wife and family, and a nice house. Then thirty ish years ago my life changed dramatically. My marriage ended and then my career went into crisis. I was homeless, penniless and in debt.

Sometimes life nudges you into a direction you would never normally have considered taking. As old doors closed and new ones opened I found myself training to be a massage therapist and entering the field of healing.

Making this change felt very scary - could I let go of who I thought I was and step into an uncertain future? I just trusted. Even when I was in the depths of despair I always knew that there was something waiting for me to do and that I would climb out of my deep hole into the light.

Over the next few years I trained in various modalities including Craniosacral Therapy, and at the request of a local GP I set up and ran a holistic therapy centre in Andover. I happily established a new identity as a professional therapist, but for some years I was unable to accept that people were calling me a healer. I had to learn to accept every part of myself, the good bits and the not so good, and love myself unconditionally.

It is this realisation that is the foundation of my work. I teach that nothing happens in the realm of healing except through unconditional love. I also came to understand that healing doesn’t come from me but through me, and that everyone has the ability to allow healing to happen.

I have never considered myself to be particularly holy, but I am a spiritual person who lives in the real world – I play my saxophone, I shop in Tesco, I love my wife, and also a good single malt...

When I let go of everything of myself I feel that I’m in another world where I experience total connection with everyone and everything. This state of oneness used to happen in meditation and when working, but it’s becoming more and more my normal everyday state. What I am speaking of is a place of perfection, healing and allowing – a place where understanding comes through feeling, not a process of logic.

I feel now that my life is very fulfilling and has a deep meaning and purpose. I have a deep contentment and calmness that I never used to have. I would never go back to my old life – I may no longer have an expense account, but I know that in every other respect I’m a millionaire.

The Course

The course is designed for both beginners and more experienced healers, to be an opportunity to just be, and to explore the nature of healing in an exceptionally beautiful and peaceful place. Note books are not a prerequisite; The wisdom is to be absorbed from the atmosphere and energy around and within.
Also included are introductory courses in Massage, Indian Head Massage, Aromatherapy and Healing.

We will be doing some deep energy work, and I will be offering attunements in Reiki and using the exciting Ilahinoor energy.

May / June and October / November 2019
All three weeks are designed for the people who are there and will include Reiki and Ilahinoor energy transmissions and other hands-on techniques, an exploration of healing through touch, intent and allowing, and sharing of experience. Plus of course plenty of sun and total relaxation!
For those who are interested in healing and who are just starting out on the path to being more spiritually aware there will be a gradual immersion into a possible new way of being, time for sunbathing, trips to the lakes for swimming and walking and local markets and cafes and just chilling out – balanced by experiencing several different forms of hands-on and hands-off healing. You will be able to take home healing techniques you can use with friends and family.

Or if you already have some experience of healing and a degree of insight into the spiritual path you are on, different forms of healing will be looked at and experienced in the special space which allows your inner wisdom to surface and be recognised. By the end of the week you will have a deeper understanding of who you truly are, and will have acquired new resources to share with others and help you on your journey.

It can also be an opportunity to explore your inner self from a very safe and secure place, allowing your inner wisdom to guide you through your individual personal process. Through deep energy work, group sharing and individual exploration you will drop deeper into that space which allows.

All three weeks will be fun, and offer you a safe space for whatever you really need.

David also offers individual one to one retreats where appropriate.

Both group and one to one retreats can transform your life.

For costs and further information contact David on 0044 7831 336 762
or email click here to email me

Healing retreat and workshops. flower

The programme

Although the schedule will be designed for the people there, here is a typical, possible daily programe

The mornings will begin with a leisurely breakfast, which according to individual taste will range from bacon, eggs and coffee to muesli, fruit and herbal tea. After breakfast the choice will be to visit the lake for walking, swimming or sunbathing, explore the local village or go to a market, or stay in and around the cave to meditate.

After lunch and a siesta, the (informal) formal part of the workshop will begin. Gently facilitated, the group will explore healing by touch, by intent and by allowing through a process of sharing ideas, experience and healing. There will be lots of breaks to allow time for integration; there will be no trying to learn - rather, simply an organic process of deepening inner wisdom. The sessions may continue after dinner in a chatty conversational way around one of the two wood burning stoves or outside the cave.
Or the Introductory courses will be given at this time.

Healing retreat and workshops. trees lakeIf Reiki attunements are given, they will be given in the cave or out in nature, by or in the lake. Reiki One, Two or Three attunements will be available.

Some very deep personal development work will occur and the whole group will benefit from the time spent together.

There will be time set aside each day for each workshop member to receive an individual treatment if they would like one (Craniosacral, Reiki, Massage, Ilahinoor, Healing).

Comments from participents


When you get to Le Teja you could be forgiven for thinking that you had arrived in never never land. Everywhere you look there are chimneys growing out of the hillside.
Maybe it’s the land of the Hobbit, especially with the door in the side of the hill.

“I will lift up mine eyes to the hills”. You can spread your arms out wide and embrace the freedom; feel the space, the expanse. There is room to breath.

In the cave David has created a space that gently and securely holds you in warmth and love so that you have the freedom to experience whatever you need – to chill out, be alone, laugh cry, just be. The peace holds you. His support encourages and enables you. The quietness and the peace allow you to just be.

There is a softness and a roundness in the cave possibly because there are very few lethal sharp edges giving off their harmful energies (R Steiner and Feng Shui).

“Remember what peace there may be in silence” – Desiderata.


The 6 days spent in Spain were a wonderful combination of friendship, conversation, new ways to look at healing, and a vacation thrown in! Giving a treatment for each person was lovely.
The food was delicious, and I think that that is part of the 'vacation' - not having to cook, wash up etc.......the exercises we did will stay with me, the way our minds can and do influence what happens to us, and how our intention, or lack of it influences those around us, and our clients.
The conversation was well shared, talking about ourselves, our lives, our dreams and goals, and it is always better having someone to steer those group talks.
It was great. Thanks.


The healing course was wonderful, although there was a time table this was very flexible. We had the opportunity to discuss personal issues that would allow us to develop and it felt safe to do so. There was time for personal space. Just because we were there as a group we didn’t have to go about in a gang. The Reiki attunements were individual. My second was most memorable as it was carried out in the lake with me submerged up to my neck in water, my choice.

The cave it’s self was unbelievable. The inside was modern and the kitchen fully equipped. There was a good sized lounge and the bedrooms spacious. The bathroom was modern with a whirlpool bath with a shower if you wanted. There was a second shower room wich was very useful. The area was absolutely beautiful and the local people were very friendly to us as we were to them.

We got on very well as a group even though the only person we had all met was Dave; he had felt sure that we would. I feel that I have made two new very good friends in Joanne and Theresa, and I have got to know Dave better, and myself. There was so much I learnt about myself; things that I take for granted copeing with problems and find solutions.


The weeks retreat in the cave house was just what I needed (even though I probably didn't know that before I came!). It certainly gave me time to think and to be, and to learn more about myself and what I can offer others.

The Reiki self healing (that I have been doing every day) is fantastic. I don't think I expected to feel anything from it, but it has made a huge difference to how I have coped with the situation I am in (together with your support). When I was feeling at my most low point, I did the self-healing and it hadan amazing calming effect. One really extraordinary experience was waking up in the middle of the night with so many thoughts (not really good ones either) going through my head and I couldn't get back to sleep. It came to me that I should work through the Reiki hand positions. When my hands were on my occiput, I had a physical sensation of someone grabbing the bad thoughts and pulling them from my mind and with that, they were gone. So thank you so much for adding this support to my coping ability.

What it means to stay at Daves Cave

Don't expect to rush around
Avail yourself of the silence
Value each other
Engage with how you feel
Simply be.

Connect with your surroundings
Ask, and answers will come
Value yourself
Engage with your life.

Therapies description

Craniosacral Therapy.

This gentle non-invasive touch/holding therapy is at the cutting edge of energy healing. A very secure and safe space is created in which the body's own inherent healing powers can come into being.


Reiki is a channelled healing which is intelligent enough to go where it needs to be. It can be given hands on or hands off, or from a distance, inches, miles, or the other side of the world.


Massage is a wonderful hands on tactile therapy which involves physical movement of the body’s muscles. It can be a gentle relaxing treatment or a vigorous stimulating experience.

Indian Head Massage.

Indian Head Massage is the massaging of the upper back, neck, shoulders, scalp, face and some of the power points in the face. It can be relaxing or invigorating according to your needs.


Usually massage with essential oils. Aromatherapy essential oils can have both a physical and a phsycological effect; ie they can help the body to get well and enhance a feeling of well being. If nothing else a very lovely way to be pampered.

Thermal Aurecular Therapy.

Also known as Hopi Ear Candle treatment. A very gentle way to clear out unwanted wax from the ears. It gives a beautiful warm relaxing feeling whilst the treatment is in progress.

Food Intolerance Testing.

Using a form of muscles testing, this therapy is a very quick, straight forward and obvious intolerance test. Actual food is used during the testing procedure so that the client goes away knowing what they are intolerant to.

The Power of Allowing.

Allowing the body to do what it needs to allow the inherent healing ability of the body to do its thing.


A powerful new energy transmission. Embodying, empowering, healing and consciousness-expanding. Can easily be shared with others.
To vist www.ilahinoor just CLICK HERE

A little about David.

I am a Therapist / Healer using healing, craniosacral therapy, healing, reiki, aromatherapy, Ilahinoor, thermal auricular therapy and spiritual counselling, and a few other things.
I specialise in Trauma release, physical,mental,emot​ional and spiritual.

I also work with spirits / souls from the past helping them to passover to where they want and should be. Sometimes these souls are inside people and can cause a lot of suffering and uncertainty. Other times these souls are lost and cannot find thier own way to where they should be and I then call upon thier friends or parents to come and take them by the hand and guide them to where they need to be. Its very interesting work and so rewarding. On occassions houses have to be empied or calmed down.

I give workshops or seminars to allow people to understand more fully what healing is and how to allow it to happen. These are for people who are new to healing, and for the more experienced healers to deepen and expand their understanding and feelings. These workshops / seminars I give in England, Spain and Poland and I am willing to go anywhere to give these.


Future workshops

In Andalucia
Experiential exploration of healing by touch, intent and allowing, with David. Ideally, people who enroll on the course will come together sometime before the course to get to know each other a little.

May 15th / May 22nd 2019 .
May 22nd/ May 29th 2019.
May 29th/ June 5th 2019.

October/November dates to be established

In the U.K.

More workshops in the U.K. France and Spain are being arranged for 2019 and dates and locations will be made available as soon as possible.

If you would like to host an event in your area please contact David on 00447831 336762 or email click here to email me

In Poland

The last years have been a busy time for me in Poland.
Twelve to fifteen seminars were given to around ninety participants and hundreds of treatment sessions given with remarkable results.
From young children to 90year old adults. Treating people with physical, emotional and spiritual traumas.

It is such a privelege for me to work in such a gentle yet intense non manipulative way and to see such joy and relief at the end of a healing session.

More workshops and clinic session work in Poland will be arranged for later in the year 2020 and dates and locations will be made available as soon as possible.

In Normandy France

Meditation, Healing and Horses Retreat

Feel the rhythms of the body in healing, combining the gentle touch of Craniosacral with meditation to live harp music.

An introduction to feeling the different body energy movements and shapes, and allowing them to fulfil their potential in the healing process.

16th – 25th September (including travel days) at La Volee, Ger, Normandy. Course led by David Boldick.

Stay on a beautiful Normandy farm with woodland, ponds and friendly horses. Immersion in nature and sensitive music can create a receptive atmosphere for the meditative process
Arrive Monday 16th September 2019 for a Tuesday 17th start, at La Volee, 44 Rue de l’Europe, 50850 Ger, Normandy France.
Depart for home Wednesday 25th September. It may be possible to stay on for a couple of extra days on a self catering basis.

La Volee
One and a half hours drive south west from Caen Ouistreham ferry port (Brittany Ferries), La Volee is a 30 acre farm consisting of small lakes, woodland and rolling pastures.
It is in the Normandy Bocage – a delightful undulating landscape of pretty farmsteads and small fields bordered by beech trees - a beautiful area for exploration, walking and simply being.
Single or shared rooms (private rooms on a first-come-first-served basis) in a traditional farm house. Large living/dining room, kitchen, five bedrooms, bathroom with bath and shower, separate toilet plus two wetroom showers accessed from outside, south facing verandah.
The course
The course is designed for a small group of people. It will alternate between feeling the Rhythms of Life and short led meditations with live harp music.course (continued
The course will be held in the yurt across the garden from the farm house and also out in nature. There will be plenty of personal time where you can explore the land, relax (and feed the fish) by the carp pond, and make friends with the lovely horses if you choose.

The cost is £480 per person (private room), £450 (sharing). This is the first of many courses we plan to run here, and as such this is an introductory price)
This includes accommodation and food. A light lunch will be prepared for you – breakfast and evening meal will be self catering (ingredients provided).
If you wish, you can accompany us on shopping trips to local markets for fruit and veg and more, or if you prefer, use the supermarkets. The village of Ger is less than 1km up the road.
Course timing
The day will commence at 10am and finish between 4 and 5 with a lunch break and regular comfort breaks.
David will be offering private individual sessions of Craniosacral, Reiki, Ilahinoor and Massage for 30 euros per session in the evenings.

Contact David at boldickdavid@gmail.com, or 0044 7831 336762 for more information

© David Boldick •• powered by WebHealer •• Last Updated 18/2/2020